Orientation will take place on Wednesday, August 7 from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m.

  • Returning students can visit Harrison classes from 4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Drop in at your own pace to see your teachers. Returning students can then meet their LHS teachers from 5:00 to 6:00 p.m.

  • New Harrison students can drop in to meet their LHS teachers from 4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. and then attend their required Harrison department orientation meeting at 5:00 p.m. in their department teacher's room.

  • Schedules will not be printed for orientation but will be found in Focus/Student Portal that day.

  • Maps and assistance for students who cannot access their Focus/Student Portal account will be available in the Harrison Theatre lobby.

  • Bus info (if requested) will be available at orientation through your department teacher. This information may also be published to Focus/Student/Parent Portal accounts.


All required forms will be distributed to students during the first week of school and should be returned to their department teachers.

Student Schedules

Our leadership team has been working diligently on student schedules for the new school year. This is a lengthy, annual process that is impacted by many factors, including staffing changes and district course progression updates. The master schedules at both Lakeland and Harrison are adjusted each year to ensure the greatest number of students possible can be served in the classes they are requesting. Ultimately, there are students every year that end up not getting all of the courses they requested – both at Harrison and at traditional schools. We do our best to minimize conflicts and provide alternatives for students when conflicts do occur. Thank you for your understanding and patience when working through scheduling challenges with our school counseling team.

Parking Permits

Seniors who are in the Top 40 GPA may purchase parking permits beginning August 6. Permits are $20 and students who are interested should email Mr. Molina Medina at [email protected] after August 1 to verify if they are eligible. All other students who need parking permits will be able to purchase them through the Lakeland High School Discipline Office.

Free/Reduced Lunch: As part of the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) funded by the United States Department of Agriculture, ALL students at Lakeland Senior/Harrison Arts will be provided with FREE breakfast and lunch each day. Students attending a CEP school do not need a free and reduced price meal application.